The American Journal of Bio-pharmacology Biochemistry and Life Sciences [AJBBL] [Online ISSN: 2166-126X ] is an online journal and opens to all readers free of charge. It publishes articles based on original research works on number of interdisciplinary subjects covering biochemistry, pharmacology, cellular physiology, molecular biology, bio-pharmacology and other related topics on life sciences including the reproductive sciences.
Since many research topics in recent days are widely interrelated so basing on that facts, AJBBL offers opportunities to both young as well as experienced researchers to publicize their novel views quickly to the scientific world.
Besides full articles, the journal also publishes short communications and occasional review articles on any of those topics. It is a newly arrived quarterly publishing journal owned by a Massachusetts based publishing company. Each article will be reviewed by three experienced scientists around the world.
In case of any unwise plagiarism, if proven even afterward in far future, the journal would not take any responsibility and the publication fee will not be refunded to the concerned authors along with subsequent withdrawal of the article. In all occasions and in future, the journal will reserve the copyright of the article after its publication on line.
Current Issue AJBBL_2018, Volume 6